Participating in JUNIOR-TALENTS projects not only means boosting your professional experience. It also provides big chances of joining entertaining group events, finding new friends or discovering beautiful German, Austrian and European towns and landscapes. Just see and enjoy some impression posted from former JUNIOR-TALENTS Project participants….

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Stefans sunset near project Nürnberg (Nürnberger Seenplatte)
Stefans Daytrips to France from project Nürnberg
Benas performing in The tire service (Project Münster)
And to this beautifull lake
Stefans collection of amazing buildings near Nürnberg
Welcome in the service: one of Stefans cars he treated 😊
And another handsome one 😊
Just a stone throw away from Arnoldas Project in Wörgl (The “wilder Kaiser” in Austria) in the morning and in the evening
Working where others enjoy holidays: Cornels project in Rügen
What a view: Gheorghes view in Dresden (Germany)
"The alps were always easy to reach" thought Daniels in Wangen (Germany)
Beate enjoying the Bavarian Style in the BMW – world (JUNIOR-TALENTS event as an included bonus)
Einars work life balance throughout his Augsburg project
Einars neighbour houses where he lived
"Waouw how beautifull eyes" thought Einars 😊
Einars in action
If this is not a reason to celebrate: Arons, Einars and Jens celebrating the boys 7. Participation with JUNIOR-TALENTS
Great experiences at the Baltic sea: Renatas project in Warnemünde
Welcome in Germany: Einars first project in Bavaria
Always the chance to move a big wheel: Aleksandrs project in Franken (Germany)
Get to know German “Currywurst” is a must 😊 (Team Project Düsseldorf, Germany)
What a hard choice: 2 or 4 wheels for Beate (BMW Museum project in Munich) BMW World in Munich: always an appreciated bonus for participants
Team Stuttgart in Action
The Porsche Museum: visited as a bonus by a big share of our Participants
2 Latvian experts in München 😊
Einars selection of cars
Einars selection of cars
Einars selection of cars
Einars selection of cars